Royal Flush Strategy

The Royal Flush Strategy is for the player who is looking to hit the big bonus or the jackpot. If you are an aggressive player with a large bankroll and are willing to ride out the losing streaks in order to catch up during the winning streaks this is the strategy for you. This strategy is based on trying to hit the Royal Flush at the expense of hitting the higher probability hands.

The Royal Flush Strategy is listed in a table format below. Feel free to print it out and follow along while playing online.

There are six hands that if you are dealt that you should keep. The payouts on them are high enough to keep the hand. Those hands are:

Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight

There are a couple of exceptions to the six hands above. One of them is if you have a ten of clubs, jack of clubs, queen of clubs, king of clubs and an ace of diamonds. You would discard the ace of diamonds in the hope of hitting the ace of clubs. The same rule applies to a straight versus a straight flush. Say for example you have a seven of spades, eight of spades, nine of spades, ten of clubs. You would discard the ten of clubs and look to get a ten of spades.

Where you see High Cards listed below that means one or more of the following cards - Ace, King, Queen or Jack. When you see Gap that means two non-consecutive cards for example a 7 and a 9.

You are dealt the following Hands - Number to Draw

Four Cards to a Royal Flush - 1

Three of a kind - 2

Four Card Straight Flush - 1

Three Cards to a Royal Flush - 2

Two Pair - 1

High Pair - 3

Four Card Flush - 1

Open Ended Straight - 1

Low Pair - 3

Two to a Royal - 3

Three to a Straight Flush - 2

Inside Straight with 3 or more high Cards - 1

Three to a Straight Flush with a gap - 2

Three High Cards - 2

Two High Cards - 3

One High Card - 4

Mixed Low Cards - 5

Start at the top of this list and work your way down until you find the very first draw that fits your hand and use it.

Remember, if you are dealt a straight and four of the cards are of the same suit, you would discard the unsuited card in hopes of hitting the Straight Flush or Royal Flush.

Again, this is an excellent strategy for the aggressive online video poker player who is looking to hit the jackpot and has a large bankroll that will allow them to ride out the losing streaks so that they can get on a winning streak and hit the jackpot.